En garde Monsieur Hobbit!
Here you can see two of my favourite miniatures at the moment.
Olivia, the female Musketeer, challenging the Halfling Knight.
Olivia is from Reaper Miniatures. I glued her directly on a plastic base and to hide the cast-on metal base I sculpted the cobblestone over it.
The Hobbit Knight on his pony is the work of Mark Copplestone from his time at Grenadier Models. It's a one piece model, perfectly sculpted, moulded and cast.
The Hobbit isn't completely finished, his base needs some grass and I want to do a nice freehand painting on his shield but I need first some more practice (*blush*)...
By the way, this is somewhat a premiere for me. That's the first picture of a miniature I took with artificial light. The red looks a bit too flashy I hope I can improve my photography skills fast.
Without doubt the Hobbit Knight is going to win. Who else do you think would be an equal opponent?
Categories: Fantasy, Historical
October 2006 by WitchfinderGeneral