The Tavern - part 2

Here's my solution for the problem with the 2nd floor that is hiding everything: Just pull the 1st floor wall more to the front. Very easy. I bought another 4 pieces of wood. The one is a bit longer than necessary to give the constuction more strength.

Then I had another idea - Fortunately before I glued everything together! I wanted all the interior movable, so I needed a connection system. I first thought about some kind of plug connection or to try out small pieces magnetic paper. But why not using real magnets?? I'll cover everything with parquet flooring so I can drill cut and glue whatever I want under the floor.

I organized some 5mm quadratic magnets, these will be in the wall. For the 2nd floor wall I'll use 1cm round (but only 3mm thick) magnets.

Now to the work: Here you can see how it looked like after I cut the holes for the magnets.
Tavern WIP holes 1st floor

Here you see the holes in the 2nd floor wall. I had to cut them with a knife which was no fun at all.
Tavern WIP holes 2nd floor

To cover the floor and the walls I used 2 different kinds of coffee stirrers (left: 140 × 6,5 × 1mm, right: 140 × 5 × 1,3mm).
Coffee stirrers 140x6,5x1 140x5x1,3
The smaller ones are more in scale. But which room is 20 metres long? So I used the larger stirrers for the floor, this way the room looks a little bit smaller. The smaller stirrers were used for the wall. This way it looks more interesting and there'll be a lot of other stuff hanging at the walls anyway.

This is how it looked when everything was assembled and I started with the boarding.
Tavern WIP boearding

And that's the finished tavern!
Tavern WIP finished

Tavern WIP finished detail
...a lot of important parts like the handrails, doors, stairs, lamps, tables, etc. were still missing at this point.

Categories: Historical

Tags: Tavern

April 2007 by Chris WitchfinderGeneral